Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Image result for Map Clips

Welcome to ArcMaps
learning to add labels and symbols to Maps

First of all, before doing anything, data needed to be added to ArcGIS because ArcGIS is a platform for viewing and manipulating geographic data and therefore it does not use internal datasets. After adding the data, now can be view with ArcGIS program. 

This is how your map will look at the beginning : 

Adding symbols and Displaying Data

Symbols and layers were added for example POP2007 and under properties of World_Countries to create more complex coloring and displaying schemes. 


Finalizing your Map

To switch the page to landscape view, we had to go to file and page and print settings and select landscape radio button which is near the center of the box. Then drag the corners of the data frame to fit inside the page.  
 Lastly, under insert menu, a north arrow was selected. a scale bar was selected under scale bar menu and under properties the division units were change to kilometer which was a quick and simple approach used to produce a map output. Save it and Export it as JPEG and as easy as that you have created your map highlighting the countries with the lowest and highest population in 2007.
And as easy as that you have created your own map!  ;)

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