Friday, 9 October 2015

Stann_Creek. Belize

Data Search Collection

This activity was based on data search collection by finding existing GIS datasets on the web.
First of all, to begin the activity, we had to create and acquire GIS data, and to do gather data we had to explore and know how to find existing datasets on the web, which is a critical step of GIS projections. It is very important to make use of the resources available on the web. Belize is a small country and consists of 6 districts and in this activity we will only focus in 1. This map represents a district of Belize, which is Stann Creek.

The process …

After downloading data from the web, under layers on the Table of content the data Belize_Basemap_District was added to ArcMap. Then, under layer the attribute data table was open and Stann Creek District was selected and highlighted.
With this done, the district was exported. After exporting the selected District, under the analysis toolbox, clip toolbox was selected; this was done in order to isolate only the district of Stann Creek because we don’t need the whole country to show in our map, we only want to focus on the Stann Creek.
Once clipped, the rest of the data was added for example Urban_Areas, Roads, Protected Areas and Aquatic_Ecosystems found ONLY in the district of Stann Creek. Before adding the above data, each one was clipped to the District of Stann_Creek, keeping this in mind; we don’t want to show the entire country only the selected District. Features such as legend, text, and scale bar, North Arrow were inserted to make the map meaningful and useful.
Finally, the activity was saved and exported to JPEG. 

This is how the map looks after clipping and adding existing datasets on the web.

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